119 Jan Smuts Avenue, Parkwood, Johannesburg
10am – 12pm – Impact Workshop – Where Art Meets Activism
Presented by Anita Khanna & Sylvia Vollenhoven. This workshop will unpack the blueprint for an Impact Strategy using examples of cutting-edge films like Jozi Gold, Everything Must Fall, PUSH and others. Come prepared to participate using your own projects and change the world one film at a time.
1pm – 4pm – Sex, Lies & Video Tapes…
Oops – we meant Trailers, Press Packs & Posters
The bits that we fail to consider at the outset of our projects – what you need to create an impression, from the poster to the Press Kit, and which Festival will be your calling card to bigger and better things… Join Sandra Vieira and Daniel-Duncan Rheed (Onemanshow Creatives) as they present on how to make an impactful trailer and the press and social media marketing processes.
Sandra will take you through the art of the impactful trailer. Daniel will deal with the following:
Key Art Design – As a filmmaker, how to go about providing your creative with the necessary elements to create a compelling key visual for marketing purposes.
Film Marketing Strategy – an overview which will include a Festival Strategy / B2B Strategy / Consumer Strategy and Fan Strategy.