My Culture My Music
Screens with:
Film Festival Film explores the position of marginalised young South African filmmakers and interrogates the attitudes and perspectives of older and relatively privileged filmmakers who have already established key positions in the local industry … Read More »
This soulful documentary illustrates how music has always been a powerful tool within South African culture. Connecting to the body and soul, healing and providing a sense of being; music connects people. There is concern regarding how South Africa’s colonial history continues to take away from culture and language but through music people are touched and reminded of who they are. The connection between music and culture is expressed in this moving documentary where various South African artists narrate what music and culture mean to them. The artists featured in the film express their cultural heritage through their music.
Cape Town
- Labia2
- Sat 8 June / 8pm + Q&A
- Labia2
- Tue 11 June / 6.30pm
- Bertha
- Sat 15 June / 2pm
- Bio
- Fri 7 June / 8.45pm + Q&A